Sorry, there are no available sessions error in vicidial goautodial vicibox or Asterisk

Sorry, there are no available sessions

The major cause for this error

  1. The vicidial based system is using  MeetMe conference , These MeetMe Conference Bridge requires a timing resources like  Dahdi or Zaptel.  if they are not loaded poperly then this error appears.
  2. Not updated the New server ip for the vicidial /goautodial database
  3. Wrong ip set in DB (even after IP update script executed)
  4. MeetMe Conference Sessions are not created or deleted accidently

Troubleshoot 1

Dahdi driver.

MeetMe Conference dahdi issue

  • make sure the dahdi/zaptel driver is installed properly
  • Run  dahdi_cfg  -v   
  • the above command should give below output (if you are not using any telephony card)

DAHDI Version: 2.6
Echo Canceller(s): HWEC

Channel map:

0 channels to configure.

  • If the above command gives error like dahdi not found 1 error”
  • then reinstall the latest dadhi driver check the below link for reinstalling

once installing dahdi driver, If you are not using any telephony cards then you need to use the dummy drivers

type:   modprobe dahdi_dummy

          dahdi_cfg -vvvvv

          asterisk  -vvvvvr

          module unload

          module load

  • Now login as agent and check whether the problem arises
  • For those using asterisk telephone cards like digium , sangoma ,allo use the below links 
  • Digium sangoma allo

Troubleshoot 2

Update the server ip in the Database

Once you have changed the ipaddress of your server, you need to update the same ip in the vicidial database.

run the below command to update and enter the new ip while it prompts.


Troubleshoot 3

Sometime the new  IP wont get updated , if you have entered wrong old ip field , or Db ip get a localhost(127.0.0,1) 

1. check what ip is showing in serverip field of  Phones, conferences, vicidial-confereces, server in vicidial admin panel  and run the below command


/usr/share/astguiclient/ –old-server_ip=oldipaddress

option 2 ( mysql update)

run the below command in linux console

mysql –

password :  “enter ur mysql password ”  note: vicidialnow is the goautodial default pass

mysql>use asterisk

mysql >UPDATE conferences SET server_ip=’your current serverip’ where server_ip=”oldip”; 

mysql>UPDATE vicidial_conferences SET server_ip=’your currentserverip’ where server_ip=”oldip”;
mysql>UPDATE servers SET server_ip=’your currentserverip’ where server_ip=”oldip”;
mysql>UPDATE phones SET server_ip=’your currentserverip’ where server_ip=”oldip”;
6. quit
7. reboot

Troubleshoot 4

Missing or Conference sessions or Deleted the Conference sessions.

  • Make sure you have Conference rooms under ADMIN-CONFERENCE  & VICIDIAL-CONFERENCE
  • if its empty download the below file from dropbox link
  • copy the first_server_install.sql  file to /usr/src/   using winscp  and run below command
  • #mysql -p
  • password :
  • mysql> use asterisk
  • mysql>\. /usr/src/first_server_install.sql
  • mysql>quit
  • #/usr/share/astguiclient/ –old-server_ip=
  • #reboot